Friday, March 31, 2006

Youth Ministry: Evangelism is Tough and Often 'Messy'

[Reflections on Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, by Doug Fields]

Chapters 2 & 6 paint evangelism as the toughest of the five purposes of youth ministry, and most-commonly neglected. It's hardest because it can be the most comfort-zone stretching, while often upsetting the unruffled status quo within your youth ministry. Parents grumble about uncultured teens mixing with their children, church members react against the unruly mess created, and your authority gets challenged as the previously well-behaved group of church kids is swamped with the unchurched masses. And while empowering your teens to take it on, you actually need to walk the line yourself. And face the rejection. Stay home if an impeccable courtyard is your vision for the church.

But for those committed to answering the call to reach a hurting world, making disciples will force us to gain a vision for the lost, rest wholly on God's power and step out in ways that the other elements of youth ministry barely expose us to. Uncomfortable situations, an intense focus on relationships and a need to communicate ancient truth in a relevant and powerful way provide a vehicle for both growth and miracles that's rarely matched.

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