Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Maintaining BIG Vision for BIG Global Impact

[Reflections on Fruit That Will Last by Tim Hawkins]

Tim Hawkins shared a conviction God gave him about his limited vision. The commission wasn’t just to “make disciples”, but to “make disciples of all nations”. God wants us to think worldwide as we set out on our mission. That means thinking, talking and praying with a global focus – even when we can’t see the specifics – that somehow God might use our ministry to impact people internationally. The Crossfire youth mission statement reflects that big vision: “We will impact the world for Christ by empowering students to be passionate disciples of Christ.”

I often struggle with the ‘hardened’ Christian students that Tim describes, having been in church most of their lives – lazy, apathetic, critical, and remaining on the fringe. I believe that if I was able to consistently cast a big vision for both local and global outreach, imparting God’s heart and passion for the lost, that many young people could be revived and stirred to action. When they’re involved and on the frontline, there’s little time for negativism; it’s a life and death struggle. That kind of evangelistic focus not only reaches more people, but raises passion, enthusiasm and growth in young people as they witness first hand the victories God is winning.

Filling young people with a vision, that God might use them to change nations.* When vision extends beyond the local scene, local ministry gets better. Paint a big vision.

“Sending out” produces passionate disciples. Apathetic, critical, fringe because they’re never in the real world. Keep before them the big picture of God raising them up to impact the world. And involve them in big ministry, frontline. Frontline troops have no time for negativism, as engaged with a life and death struggle.

Evangelistic focus is so vital to health of disciples. Keeps passion & enthusiasm high, as they serve and witness first hand the victories God is winning

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