Friday, April 28, 2006

Challenge Students of All Commitment Levels to do Ministry

[Reflections on Purpose Driven Youth Ministry by Doug Fields]

Although “core” students are often the best ones to effectively lead ministry (service) teams, students with any commitment level can benefit and grow from being involved in ministry and serving others. Sometimes ministry is seen as a stage of development after students have been properly connected in and have a solid relationship with Jesus. However for some young people being involved in a band, helping with multimedia or drama, can be the initial channel for them meet and connect up with other students, as well as learn about what a disciple of Jesus looks like. They also gain a sense of purpose and significance by discovering their gifts and serving a cause higher than themselves.

When raising teams of young people I need to challenge involvement from not only the most committed students, but also those who may be on the fringe of our ministry – giving them a real opportunity to take ownership and experience Jesus in a different way. Some youth might even be rescued from a fall away - stemming from boredom or shallow relationships - if they became involved meaningfully in ministering to others.

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