Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Recruiting Using Vision

[Reflections on Purpose Driven Youth Ministry by Doug Fields]

Needs are everywhere. If we attempt to attract new youth leaders by just expressing the need (no matter how desperate!) the response may not always be so encouraging. Doug says people respond “to vision and because of personal relationships.” An often-missing element in my ministry, particularly surrounding searching out new leaders is casting vision. People become interested and motivated when you give them a sense of the importance and the big impact their lives can make leading young people. But I need to have a big vision for myself before communicating it – not just living by routine and obligation, but a passionate, expectant view of the future possibilities of God working through people to reach people.

I really want to be filled with vision for my life and my leadership and then able to honestly and effectively communicate that to people that could be used to have an impact in the ministry also.

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